Monday, September 24, 2012

New 78000 Series View Port Valve

The HVA 78000 Series View Port Gate Valve features an exchangeable borosilicate window ideal for single laser applications, mass spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, nanoscale microscopy, single photon ionization and short pulse spectroscopy. These valves allow for the largest optically free diameter ideal for high energy physics and experimental research. Alternative window materials are available including fused silica, quartz and sapphire as well as AR (anti-reflex) coatings for the most demanding processes.

New 16000 Series Shielded Gate Valve!

The HVA 16000 Series Shielded Gate Valve features a travelling shield that moves with the gate to protect it from debris. These valves are used in extremely aggressive applications where reoccuring down time is not an option. The Shield greatly reduces particulate migration and prolongs the sealing integrity of the gate O-ring. The body material is 304 stainless steel, which can be changed to other high temperature, non corrosive materials for exceptionally aggressive applications. Alternative elastomer O-rings are also available.

HVA Shielded Gate Valve